Babylab Voršilská is a language and cognition lab. Here we do research on the cognitive and language development of children since before birth up until their school years. We use both behavioural methods and non-invasive and safe neuroimaging methods (e.g. EEG and NIRS) during our experiments. Babylab Voršilská is a shared lab facility of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University and the Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences. In the past, you could visit us at the Hybernská street, but nowadays you can find us at Voršilská 144/1 in Prague.
Babylab was founded by Dr. Kateřina Chládková in 2018. The research conducted at Babylab is continuously funded by various external and internal sources. We have been supported by grants from the Czech Science Foundation, the Charles University Grant Agency, the European Regional Development Fund, and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, as well as by programs promoting excellence in research from Charles University (Primus program) and the Czech Academy of Sciences (Lumina Quaeruntur award).
Our research team focuses on three main areas of psycholinguistics: the acquisition of the native language throughout life, learning additional and foreign languages, and the dynamics of language across dialects, social interactions, and emotions.
All research conducted at Babylab Voršilská is carried out by the SPEAKin Lab research group, whose members are affiliated with the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University, the Institute of Psychology at the Czech Academy of Sciences, and the Havlíčkův Brod Hospital. You can learn more about other SPEAKin Lab projects here.
[Footage edited from the video reports by the Czech Academy of Sciences and the tv and youtube series “Zvěd,” on which our team collaborated.]